We are living transformational times and changes are being pushed by rapidly advanced technology and IT developments, raising a lot of questions about the future of our businesses. We have all been inspired by the WebSummit, The Next Web, Singularity University, TEDx, SXSW, Slush and many different start ups with disrupting business models. But how do we implement this and bring this inspiration to practice?
Welcome to Fast Forward Insights, the annual unconference to set your own digital innovation agenda!
FFWD Insights takes place at the terrain of Smart Industry Fieldlab: 3D Makers Zone in Haarlem, Holland.
FFWD Insights has an informal festival setting, with various stages and spaces, food and more.
FFWD Insights offers free parking space at the venue 3D Makers Zone. To get there, navigate to Ingenieur Lelyweg and drive through the first gate on your left.
Too much innovation theater, not enough balls ending up in the back of the net.
During this keynote on October 1st, business strategist and change expert Mark Zawacki will discuss his research results from a co-authored initiative on 'core vs edge innovation', and how large multinationals will need to fundamentally rethink their current approach to transformative and strategic innovation.
Utilizing several case studies, he’ll explore recent experiences from leading global organisations on the application of edge innovation models, exploring the organisational roadblocks and cultural barriers to corporate innovation they have encountered - and how such barriers are easier to overcome than you might think.
Mark is well known in Dutch management circles and has a well-deserved reputation for being ‘politely provocative’. He is a former 7-year resident of the Netherlands and is regularly quoted in the FD. You will leave this session with fresh insights how to innovate at greater speed and with greater impact across your organisation.
About Mark:
Mark Zawacki is a business strategist, keynote speaker and angel investor. He’s the co-founder of 650 Labs, a strategy firm that supports multinationals globally understand the broad-based disruption across industries now emanating from Silicon Valley. Mark helps many large non-tech companies navigate through and around disruption, in order to sustain market share, grow revenue and remain relevant for the long term. Prior to 650 Labs and Milestone Group, Mark spent nearly a decade as a strategy consultant with the CSC Index, working in Amsterdam, London, Sydney and San Francisco.